Have you ever noticed how Matroska (*.mkv) support on OS X is, um, bad? Yes, Matroska is a wonderful container format in theory, but all the demuxers out there (okay, those in VLC and Perian) seem to be dog-slow. The combination of HD decoding and MKV demuxing brings my first-generation Intel mini to its knees. It seems much happier with MP4 files. Thankfully, one can extract the video and audio from MKV files and re-mux them into MP4 without transcoding. You'll need the following packages from MacPorts:
You can grab yourself a coffee or 10 while those compile. Once done, the following script will convert MKV files to MP4 with a minimum of hassle:
# Convert an H264 Matroska file to MP4
# hacked together by Jakob van Santen, December 2008
let bnamelen=namelen-4
info=`mkvinfo "$1"`
echo $info | grep AVC >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
echo 'Found H.264 track'
echo "I can only handle H.264 video. Bye!"
exit 1
if ; then
echo "Framerate = $framerate"
echo "Couldn't get the framerate..bye!"
exit 1
mkvextract tracks "$1" 1:"$basename.h264"
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vn -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 128 "$basename.aac"
mp4creator -c "$basename.h264" -rate=$framerate "$basename.mp4"
mp4creator -c "$basename.aac" -interleave -optimize "$basename.mp4"
rm "$basename.h264" "$basename.aac"
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